The website is the property of Nathalie Clemente Murisier - Artisan designer.
NIF: Y3478125X - Workshop address: Calle Roser 18, 17257 Torroella de Montgri - Spain.
Telephone number: +34 655 808 468
This website is subject to the regulations exclusively applicable in Spain and the EU, to which ALL USERS, both national and foreign, who use this website are subject.
Access to our website by the USER is subject to the prior reading and full, unreserved acceptance of these GENERAL CONDITIONS OF USE in effect at the time of access. Please read them attentively.
By using our website, its contents or services, the USER expressly accepts and submits to its general conditions of use. If the USER does not agree with these conditions of use, he/she must refrain from using this portal and from making purchases through it.
We may at any time modify the presentation and configuration of our website, extend or reduce the services, or even discontinue it, as well as the complementary products and content, all unilaterally and without prior notice.
All content, texts, images, products and source codes are our property and are protected by intellectual property rights. Intellectual property includes industrial property and literary and artistic property.
The user only has the right to make private and non-profit-making use of it, and needs express authorisation to modify, reproduce, exploit, distribute or exercise any right belonging to the designer Nathalie Clemente Murisier, founder of the BOHEM COLOR boutique.
Access to our website is free of charge and does not require any prior registration.
The submission of personal data implies the USER's express acceptance of our privacy policy.
Users must access our website in good faith, in accordance with public policy and with these general conditions of use. Access to our website is under the sole responsibility of the user, who shall in all cases be liable for any damage he or she may cause to third parties or to us.
Our website provides links to other websites (e.g. Instagram, Facebook, Mon Emporda). We inform you that given the impossibility of controlling the information, content and services contained in these other websites, we are exonerated from any liability for damages of any kind that may arise from the use of these websites outside our company by the user.
Confidentiality and security being fundamental values of BOHEM COLOR, we commit ourselves to guarantee at all times the respect of the private life of the user and not to collect useless information.
Below, we provide you with all the necessary information on our confidentiality policy with regard to the personal data we collect, explaining :
1) Who is responsible for processing your data.
2) For what reason we collect the data we request from you.
3) What is the legitimacy of the processing of your data.
4) How long do we hold it?
5) To whom your data is communicated.
6) What are your rights.
1 PERSON RESPONSIBLE for processing your data: the designer (see information at the top of this page).
2. Reasons, legality and storage of data sent via our contact form:
Reasons: to provide you with a means of contacting us and responding to your requests for information, as well as to send you communications about our products, services and activities, including by electronic means (e-mail, SMS, etc.), if you tick the agreement checkbox.
Legitimation: The user's consent when he/she requests information from us via our contact form and ticks the box to accept the sending of information.
Retention: Once your request has been sent via our form or e-mail, until the final response if it has not generated any further processing and/or if you have agreed to receive our commercial and information mailings, until you request to unsubscribe.
- Sending e-mails.
Purpose: to respond to your requests for information, to process your requests and to answer any questions or queries you may have. If we receive your CV, your personal and professional data may form part of our databases in order to participate in our current and future selection processes.
Legitimisation: The user's consent when requesting information from us via e-mail address or when sending us their data and CV to participate in our selection processes.
Storage: Once your request has been answered by e-mail, if it has not been processed again. In the case of receipt of your CV, your data may be kept for a maximum of one year for future selection processes.
- Obligation to communicate your personal data to us and consequences of failure to do so:
The obligation to provide personal data requires a minimum age of 14 years or, where applicable, sufficient legal capacity to enter into a contract.
The personal data requested is necessary to manage your requests, register you as a user and/or provide you with the services you may contract. If you do not provide it, we will not be able to reply correctly or provide you with the service you have requested.
In all cases, we reserve the right to decide whether or not to include your personal data and other information in our customer databases.
Your data is confidential and will NEVER be communicated to third parties, unless there is a legal obligation to do so.
Any person may withdraw their consent at any time once it has been granted for the processing of their data. Under no circumstances shall the withdrawal of this consent condition the performance of the subscription contract or of the relations previously generated. You may also exercise the following rights:
-Request access to your personal data or rectify it if it is inaccurate.
-Request the deletion of your personal data if, among other reasons, it is no longer required for the purposes for which it was collected.
-Request that the processing of your personal data be restricted in certain circumstances.
-To object to the processing of your data on grounds relating to your particular situation.
-Request data portability in the cases provided for by the regulations.
-Other rights recognised in the applicable regulations.
Where and how to request your rights: By writing to the person responsible for this site, at their postal or e-mail address (indicated in section A) or via the contact form, indicating the reference "Personal data", specifying the right you wish to exercise and for which personal data.
If you do not agree with the person responsible for this site, concerning the processing of your data, you may lodge a complaint with the Data Protection Agency (
In order to preserve the security of your personal data, we inform you that we have adopted all the technical and organisational measures necessary to guarantee the security of the personal data provided, against alteration, loss and unauthorized processing or access.
In order for us to keep your personal data up to date, it is important that you inform us of any changes to it, otherwise we are not responsible for its accuracy.
We are not responsible for the privacy policy relating to personal data that you may provide to third parties via links available on our website.
This privacy policy may be modified in order to adapt it to changes that may occur on our website, as well as to changes in legislation or case law on personal data that may appear, which is why it must be read each time you provide us with your data through this website.
In making this website available to the user, we wish to offer a quality service, exercising the utmost diligence in the provision of the latter, as well as in the technological means used. However, we are not responsible for the presence of viruses or other elements that may damage the user's computer system in any way.
We do not guarantee that the availability of the service will be continuous and uninterrupted.
The USER shall refrain from any type of action on our portal that causes an excessive overload of our computer systems, as well as the introduction of viruses, or the installation of robots, or software that alters the normal operation of our website, or that may ultimately cause damage to our computer systems.
The USER assumes all liability arising from the use of our website.
The USER acknowledges having understood all the information relating to the conditions of use of our website and recognises that they are sufficient to exclude any error or misunderstanding, and therefore fully and expressly accepts them.