
Our site is secured by an SSL encrypted security certificate to protect all your personal and banking data.

Here are the different payment methods available in our shop:

Payment by credit card:

When you reach the payment stage after confirming your order you can choose to pay by credit card.

We use the STRIPE platform for easy and ultra-secure payment. Your bank details will be encrypted and secure. Simply enter your card details and confirm your payment. QUICK AND EASY!

We NEVER have access to your credit card data during the payment process. The Stripe platform guarantees you a completely secure payment.

Which cards does Stripe accept?

Mastercard, Visa, American Express, as well as local payment methods specific to each country.

Payment in several monthly instalments is also available, as are digital wallets (Apple Wallet, Google Pay and Stripe).

You can also make your purchase in the currency of your country at no extra cost.

Pay with PayPal :

PayPal, the trusted leader in online payments, allows shoppers and businesses to dispatch and receive money online.

Is it safe? PayPal helps protect credit card information with industry-leading security and fraud prevention systems. When you use PayPal, your financial information is never shared with IDEES DECO Artesania. We do not receive or have access to any of your credit card information.

Buy and pay easily and confidently with your PayPal account.

Bank transfer:

As well as paying by PayPal or credit card, we offer you the option of paying by bank transfer.

You will receive an email with our bank details once you have confirmed your order. You can then make your bank transfer as you normally do with your bank. Your order will be dispatched as soon as we receive your bank transfer.

All our products are in stock and dispatched in 24 hours.